Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Speak Conclusion

Now that you have finished reading Speak, would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?
  • What did you like about the novel? 
  • What did you dislike about the novel? 
  • Who is your favorite character? Why? 
  • What is the most surprising event in the story?  


  1. *I liked how at the end she became popular because, she spoke up against Andy.
    *I disliked nothing about the novel, except when she was complaining in the beginning.
    *My favorite character in the novel was Ivy, because she talked to Melinda when nobody else would really (Besides Heather).
    *The most surprising part was, when Melinda stood up against Andy and said "NOO!!!"

  2. -what i liked about the novel was how she started off being depressed by everyone. She was pretty much bullied from her peers.
    -What i disliked about the novel was that they shudv'e included more stuff to it because the begging of depression isn't like that, it gets worse. They should have inspired people with depression more.
    -My favorite character was Ivy because she talked to Melinda while Melinda was depressed and was having trouble.
    -The most surprising event in the story was when she stood up for herself to Andy. However besides that i really liked it if nobody would talk to her of why is she the person she is. Because speaking to somebody is bad because your afraid of what will happen after. So i think Melinda was scared of talking to somebody,

  3. i like that Malinda spoke for once i don´t like how her parents treat her. she should really get help for that. my favorite character is ivy. she good with art and one of Malinda´s friends. the most surprising part in the book was when she was good at basketball.

  4. what i liked about the novel is how you got to read almost the whole story to understand whats going on
    what i dislike is how in the begining it kinda sounds like shes complaining but it kinda gets better.
    my favorite character is david because he seems like the type of friend that will help you even though you might get it trouble for example copying homework answers
    but the one thing that was surprising to me was the fact that she was raped because it just seemed like she was beatened but yeah.

  5. the thing that i liked the most was how melinda broke the mirror and held a piece of glass to Andy's neck and slit his neck.

    the thing that i hated was that there was barely any positivity in the book (even in the end)

  6. what i liked about the novel was how Malinda started off being depressed, In the beginning everyone hated her but as the book went on she started to become more open about her feelings.
    -What i disliked about the novel was that they should have more facts about people with depression because some people might read this book and be depressed but not have gotten raped.Also the book stats off with depression the author should have add more facts and more description about how depressed people can get. Also talk more about that depression does not just come from people getting raped. I also do not like that even though she got raped she should not have thought those thoughts about people.
    -My favorite character was Heather because she talked a lot about herself she also was to scared to stand out. Sometimes I feel like I have to fit in even when I do not have to.
    -The most surprising event in the story was when she stood up for herself to Andy. However Malinda should have talked to an adult because even though friends are good to talk to. Sometimes they are not going to act the way you want then to act.It's better to talk to an adult this way Malinda could have gotten the help she needed in the beginning.

  7. I liked about the novel was how Malinda spoke against Andy and got justice for herself. I didn't like was how everyone treated her with made her more depressed. My favorite charter is Mr.Freeman because he was the only one who truly cared about Malinda. The most surprising event in the story was when she was almost raped again by Andy until she defense herself from him by saying NO.
