Monday, May 1, 2017

ALWG Chapter One

In what ways can being in a state of war change your life? In what ways does it change Ishmael's life?


  1. you or your family would have to go to war. bombs could be drop on your town or solders would invade and occupy you town/state. lots of things really.

  2. If state was in war it could affect me by maybe loosing my pare ts or dying. And everything might just go ''dead''. The ways that it can affect Ishmael's life is that in Ishmael's town or whatever bombs can be thrown down and everything will go down. Being poor, kids will be put as slaves.

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  4. War can change a person's life in the war. It can change a person life and make them go insane and can cause PTSD. Ishmael saw people with bullet shot pierce them and people skin hanging off a person body. That is a really Traumatic experience. you can see him going through this in his dreams how he is getting shot and doesn't know if it really life or a dream.

  5. The war can change my life, by making me realize that I have to be stronger, and that I have to suck it up and not be scared. The war changes Ishmael's life because, he was very shocked, for instinst when they saw the car and blood on the seats, he was shocked ad scared.(page 13)

  6. being in a state of war can change your life is it can kill everyone you know and love and change your view of life.How it changed ishmael's life in the begining of the chapter he just does his chores and enjoys life but when the refugees comes through his village he sees them scared and upset.his parents asked if they want to stay but they said that they are coming and they dont want to see them when they come and he is introduced to rap.

  7. you nevedr forget what you saw and you can loose your family forever or maybe be homeless

  8. My life would be diffent I would have gotten sick.My life would be diffent. I would have no money. I would be poor.
    Ishmael's life changes because after he saw what had happened he begin to have nightmares. . Although his mother and father were separated, Ishmael seemed content to go back and forth between their houses. When the war came to their area Ishmael is separated from his parents

  9. When we are in war, we know about it but it doesn't effort us because it not in out country. War changes Ishmael's life because war is happening in front of him. War hits home for him when Ishmael.

  10. page(13) he is traumatized from the experience of death among the people he saw.
